Welcome to this amazing gallery of home flower gardens and flower landscape pictures. This gallery is one of absolute brilliance of richness and color and if a computer could transmit the smell of some of these flowers, you would be blown away. Perhaps one day, the internet will provide the thrill and joy of smell as well as visuals.
A floral display in a garden during spring is one of life’s real pleasures and joys. Taking a walk through a botanical gardens at this time can really enrich your life and make you glad to be alive. When nature puts on a display of color and richness amidst a cleverly designed and landscaped garden, nothing can compare. This explosion of color in nature is not only a pleasure to behold but it also attracts bees, birds, and butterflies and often throws in a variety of floral fragrances as well, as if we weren’t impressed enough with just the variety of colors.
Whether you’re a gardener or not, or whether you a flower person or not, you can’t help but be impressed by the floral displays of some of these home flower gardens. Nature’s canvas offers us all a free viewing of just how wonderful the whole cycle of life can be. Enjoy these flower landscape pictures and feel free to share some of these amazing pictures with the rest of the world.
An old English style country house overlooks a stunning abundant field of vivid lavender flowers. With density of planting, and separation by walkways, these rows of flowering lavender, are so intense, it almost defies belief.
A multi colored patchwork display of tulips in Longwood Gardens. Grouped into distinct color sections, the overall picture resembles a patchwork quilt against a backdrop of grass and lawn.
This is a close up of a garden of white tulips with one particular tulip having an unique single red petal. A fascinating contrast against the white and green
Grape hyacinths in a spring garden with plants and flowers in the background
A stunning colorful collection of chrysanthemum flowers blended together with a number of other flower varieties within a garden setting. Bunches of reds, greens, yellows, mauves, yellows and apricot colored flowers create a visual feast for the eyes
Lilium candidum Madonna Lily. This is one of the true lilies that flowers in late spring and has long lasting cut flowers
Outdoor image of yellow daffodils growing in an abundantly full bed of flowers
This image shows a closeup of the flowering lily of the valley, with its almost waxy look, it could almost pass for an artificial flower. These flowers are dainty and beautiful and a delight to see
Rhododendron bush in full floral bloom with its almost crimson explosion of color, set magnificently against the green leaves of the bush
This is a colorful freesia bed surrounding a tree trunk. With a number of different color varieties, freesias are some of the first flowers to spring into life in the spring along with perfumed bouquet that tells you spring has arrived
Beautiful garden of three different flower varieties and colors in north of Thailand
Multi floral colorful Butchart garden during spring in Victoria British Columbia Canada. A finely crafted rock path meanders in between the rockery walls and abundance of flower varieties
Close up of multi colored array of Pansy flowers in a home garden
Green lawn in a colorful landscaped garden with a variety of flowers in different colors
Here we have a pergola with tendrils of cream and purple Chinese Wisteria during its short flowering season. Wisteria when planted near the entrances to old classic or Victorian style homes have an absolute magical quality when they burst into flower.
This little kitten is inquisitively searching for something amidst the chamomile daisy like flowers
This flower garden with carefully chosen colors and varieties sits in the middle of a grassy garden area
A stunning park landscape during spring showing the trunks of tall mature trees with an abundance of flowers at their base beside a red gravel roadway
Trees and tulip flowers in a mixed garden. This park like setting during spring time is a joy to behold, and worth waiting all winter for.
An abundance of colorful tulips in the garden. Reds, yellows, purples and oranges provide a visual extravaganze to the eyes.
Colorful plumed Cockscomb flower in the garden. The reds and creams against the greens provide the perfect color contrast
Tulips in a field with bright yellow color and red edging
This curve shaped colorful flower bed with contrasting flowers with a lush lawn in between