Everyday living rooms are special places. One of the main purposes of a living room in your home is to create an ambiance of relaxation and sharing in conversation. Much of this original purpose has been blurred a lot in recent decades as we now start creating homes with Media rooms, sitting room, reading rooms, family rooms, and even conversation pits.
The good old living room though, means different things to different people, and whereas some people may like to make their living room a full-on media and entertainment spot, others will think of it more as a place to sit and think or perhaps have interesting conversations or maybe just to sit and read a good book. Whatever the purpose of the living room to you, there’s no getting away from the fact that it is still a place where you can relax and do your own thing. Nevertheless, the Living Room has become one of the feature points in a person’s home where they can express their own design and decor individuality. This is amply displayed in many of the following gallery images, which serve to highlight ‘typical, everyday’ Living rooms of most people.
Sure there are luxurious, opulent and downright ‘over the top’ living rooms in many of the upper echelon of life, so we just wanted to present some examples and styles of the majority. If this gives you some design ideas or spurns your creativity, then great. If not, then keep your eyes peeled, because we will be bringing you more and more of these types of decor presentations in the future and hopefully there may be something that eventually sparks an interest within you from something you see.
Don’t underestimate the importance of the style, decor, color choices and finishing, and furnishings that you decide on for your living room. When its empty and you have a blank slate to work from, thats when it gets really exciting.
A beautiful creamy colored Living Room with a sense of style and maturity. The darker timber floors are a great match.
A very refined, and elegant expansive Living Room. Laid out in a more formal style but with understated tones and colorings. Another great room aimed perhaps for the more mature home home owner.
With its neutral earth colored tonings, and the full sofas, this living room looks like a great place to settle in for an afternoon, or a rainy day and read a good book.
Stylish and modern. Dark timber floors, central fireplace and low sofas. This is the best place for when you get home from work, throw your briefcase and coat over one of the sofas, and relax with a decent Pinot Noir in hand.
A living room of contrasts, with the schist fireplace, the archways, the turkish floor rugs and the grand piano. Someone has eclectic tastes.
This Living Room is really quite quirky. It has modern furnishings and a wooden parquet floor, but almost has a touch of ‘art deco’ along with orange curtains and accents. May not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I definitely think it works.