A stunning backyard garden with interesting backyard ideas that has been carefully landscaped to include interesting plants and features can create a real sense of peace and tranquility. Not only that, but every dollar invested in your backyard landscaping will pay you back many times over, both in the pleasure it brings you when you look out onto it and the enhanced value it also adds to your home.
A home without landscaping is a home without a soul. Even if you are short on space to have the garden that you would love, you should still spend some time and money bringing nature into your life at whatever level may be appropriate for you. Perhaps you live in an apartment and don’t have the options of creating your dream garden. Be innovative and creative. Bring the outdoors indoors. Life isnt about restrictions, but rather about capturing what brings you joy and embracing it.
When planning your landscaping, don’t rush into it. Spend some time measuring it out and then plan what plants you want or like and where you might want to include them. Consider the sun angles based on the seasons, your soil types, and whether or not you want a low maintenance, or no maintenance garden.
Lots of things to consider!
The brilliant contrast of topiary, edging and color makes a bold statement in style.
A vibrancy of color along a quarry stone pathway. Simple planting at its best.
A very natural looking landscape design with strategically placed rocks forming a natural pathway
A really effective visually appealing garden stone walled pathway. Easy care and low maintenance at its best.
A very simple but visually effective ‘portable garden’. Looks good and you can take it with you wherever you live.
Another no/low maintenance garden with instant visual appeal and creative flair.
Hello! Whoever said you can’t make a visually enticing practical back yard garden in a small space was wrong.
A real wonderland of green. Two levels separated by a set of old brick steps. A topiary lovers delight.
Cactus lovers would be in heaven with a succulent garden like this one.
A well planned garden of colors and layers. Its important to create a garden where its easy to see all the plants,(and they all have an equal chance of survival)
This little oasis is one of my personal favorites. The sense of privacy and seclusion away from the fast paced world is just fantastic.
An abundant array of flowers and flowering plants. It just goes to show what can be achieved with careful plantings.