The above image has to be one of the most beautiful romantic bedroom images displaying a romantic bedroom design that looks sensational. Its classically styled with its luxurious bed furnishings, padded headboard and bed-end, opulent lighting, rich carpet and even an outdoor deck with a stunning water view.
Our bedrooms are usually sanctuaries to most of us. A place where you should be able wind back and throw off the cares of the day and relax for a great nights sleep to hopefully awake refreshed for the next day.
However, making your bedroom a romantic place to retire to at the end of each day along with your loved one can be dependent on so many things. Depending on whether or not you have children, demanding jobs or careers, or just many demands on your day to day hours, the end of the day often cant come quick enough, potentially leaving you feeling drained and exhausted with romance being the furtherest thing from your mind.
Bedrooms often become one of those areas in a home where you can hide many of the ‘undone chores or tasks’ like for example, perhaps that’s where you dump your unfolded laundry, or you throw your extraneous kids toys in there as a quick method to clean up most of the house, or your dump the mail there when you’re rushing between tasks. Whatever the place is to you, the more you use it s a utility room, the more it loses its personal place to you.
Luxurious bedroom with romantic bed coverings, matching pillow and ottoman.
To recreate that sense of relaxation and that feel good factor about your own private room, for both you and your spouse, which in turn makes it become a place where romance can be fostered, there are a number of things you can do, to reclaim that room back as your own. We’ve put together a few pointers for you to consider for your own situation.
- Ensure your bed is made every morning. There’s nothing worse than an unmade bed. So, the last person out should spend the couple of minutes it takes to make the bed, which sends the message ‘This room is important to me’.
Light blue romantic style bedroom with reading lamp and comfortable sofa.
- Personalizing the room with bits and pieces, like personal sentimental items, pictures on the walls, small floral bouquets and things that remind you each of why you love each other.
Candlelit romantic bedroom with chandelier and ornate furnishings.
- If your pillows are dead, or flat, go out out and buy new ones. In fact buy more than you need. Buy the big square European style pillows. Bring back some life into your pillows and make your ‘made up’ bed a place that looks inviting.
Stylish romantic bedroom interior design with cream and white pillows.
- Remove any clutter from your room, like leftover laundry, whether dirty, clean, folded, unfolded, or whatever. Ensure your bedside cabinets don’t have unopened bills and letters on them. Make your bedroom exactly what it is – A bedroom.
Stylish bedroom interior with black and white patterned pillows and decorative bedside table lamp.
- Keep any work stuff away from your bedroom. A bedroom is a bedroom. An office is an office. Try to resist doing things in your bedroom that belong in other rooms. Your subconscious mind will thank you for it.
Luxurious apartment bedroom with stunning wallpaper, and matching furnishings.
- Add some sophistication to your room by way of mood lighting, like bedside table lighting, scented candles, and other fragrant items like floral bouquets, scented plug-ins etc. Endeavor to create a scent in your bedroom that reminds you of pleasant times, or better still create a unique distinct smell that both you and your spouse adore.
Modern romantic bedroom interior with neutral color tonings.
- Take the TV out of the bedroom, or if you can’t do with out it, unplug it from the wall. Make your bedroom a place for conversation and sharing thoughts and ideas and for being intimate with each other.
Luxury romantic bedroom with rich dark colorings.
- Do your best to both go to bed at the same time, and make the effort to spend time talking, no matter how tired you may be at the end of the day after getting all the little ones off the bed.