The above image shows a stunning suburban two storey mansion house in resplendent yellow with a beautifully neat white picket fence out front. It also has matching guard rails on the balconies and veranda that are in keeping with the front fence and gate.
A white picket fence not only performs the function of being a fence for setting up boundaries around a home or property, but it also has the added benefit of evoking emotions within people. You often hear people talk about wanting to settle for a cute cottage in the suburbs with a white picket fence, and this is because to most people it evokes a sense of cute, calmness when all is good with their lives.
The reality however, is that these days having enough land around your home to create or build a picket fence is rare, as many of us end up in apartments, or tiny blocks of lands in central city suburbs. The white picket fence has become the epitome of the country, or outer suburban lifestyle, where there are an abundance of trees, and lawns and plants.
The style of picket fence may vary, but the essence of a picket fence remains much the same, several well spaced posts of around 3 -4 feet in height, twin railing running between the posts and then the pickets attached to the railings usually with equal spacings in between. Some picket fences have pointed tops, others are flat, some even have graduated heights along the length of the fence (like in the image below). Whatever your preference, a picket fence, painted white, will look good and often add value and desirability to your home.
A stately large two storey white house with black shutters and an expansive large lawn area, a number of deciduous trees in the front yard is complete with its white picket fence.
This is a cute single level villa cottage in a small town in New Zealand with front picket fence.
A stunning long row of modern suburban townhouses all with white picket fences in front provides a visual feast. Simplistic in its style but very effective in enhancing the look and feel of the street
White clapboard house with a simple white front picket fence
This two storey summer house with its white front picket fence looks an absolute picture of desirability.
This three storey stunning tropical house invokes a relaxed feeling with its surrounding picket fence, palm trees and summery vibe.
A craftsman’s house that has a small white picket fence in front that helps to bring the house out and make it noticeable.
Beautiful Victorian style home with full street front white picket fence boundary
Classical Cape Cod style house with its street front white picket fence
Cute Victorian miner’s cottage in New Zealand with a front picket fence painted a cream color which offsets the blue of the cottage nicely
Classic house and yard surrounded by a white picket fence and lots of trees
Two story country home with a simple white picket fence with very thin pickets
An English style cottage with green roof and shutters and a white street front picket fence
House in a rural town with a designer white picket fence on its front boundary
Simple Victorian home in Ferndale, California with a white street front picket boundary fence which highlights the pink house color
Classic American colonial era wooden house with white front picket fence
Pretty two storey cottage in Perkins Cove, Maine with a picket fence style deck as well as a front street front ‘low height’ picket fence
Suburban high ranch house with white picket fence and gate with brick driveway
This suburban Cape Cod bungalow home with its picket fence covered to a degree with a front green bush hedge
Suburban middle class country bungalow cottage with a relatively tall white front picket fence
Two storey white house with dormer windows and front picket fence
Two story white framed home with partially painted front picket fence.