Wardrobes, especially walk in wardrobes needn’t be staid and boring. Sure they may be a room that is out of sight to most visitors to your home, but its still a room you will visit several times during a day, so doesn’t it deserve a reasonable amount of attention from you when it comes to making it look good?
Depending on your home, you may have a simple wardrobe that is no more than a cupboard behind a bedroom door, or perhaps, your home has an abundance of floor area and your walk in wardrobe is as big as some people’s master bedrooms. Whatever size wardrobe you have in your home, make sure you invest in it wisely. Design it so that it is truly an organisation masterpiece. By that we mean, make the most of the space you have available to you. You can often achieve success with this if you involve a wardrobe company or consultant to help you fit out your wardrobe area with shelves, hangers, cupboards and even mirrors. This will help you keep the area tidy and organised, so next time you go looking for that piece of clothing, it will right at your finger tips.
This gallery page shows a selection of walk in wardrobes, their styles, their fittings and their layout. You should glean a few good ideas from these that you can hopefully utilise in your own home.
An expansive wide walk in wardrobe in luxurious modern house with carpeted floor, and an abundance of shelf and hanging space
Walk in wardrobe in a modern Australian home with a recessed end mirror, and an abundance of hanging space and a carpeted floor.
A corner section of a large woman’s wardrobe showing hanging space and storage shelves
A well thought out man’s wardrobe with large open space, full length wardrobe door mirror and an abundance of cupboards, shelves and hanging space
An interior view of an organised tidy man’s wardrobe showing shoe shelves and hanging racks.
A well lit modern contemporary view of a new walk in wardrobe dressing room space showing shelves, hangers and cupboards
An impressive walk in wardrobe Interior of a modern contemporary house. The timber joinery shelves and cupboards and a timber floor exude quality
This is a woman’s beautiful white walk in wardrobe with shelves and hanging racks
Part of a quality timber crafted walk in wardrobe with full length dressing mirrors, cupboards and hangers.
An expansive woman’s dressing room with hidden lighting highlighting the clothing items and shelf space
An awesome walk in wardrobe with ample shelf storage space, full length mirror and large side dressing table with mirror
Expansive walk in wardrobe in a new contemporary home showing light timber joinery, show rack, central island and plenty of hangers
Big walk in wardrobe in modern house with end mirror, his and hers sides, drawers, hangers and a nice timber floor.
Closet wardrobe interior private room with plenty of hangers and shelves
Expansive walk in wardrobe with plenty of timber cupboards, hanger space and leather chaise contrasted against a dark carpet
Contemporary spacious walk in wardrobe in a modern home with polished timber floor and plenty of white cabinetry.
Modern White Simple Contemporary Wardrobe With Long Marble Flooring Corridor Closet