Small classic style grey house surrounded by lawn and with a front porch, white railings and timber front steps during summertime.
Large luxury craftsman classic American house exterior painted green
Classic large craftsman built old styled American two storey house exterior in red and white with picket front fence during spring
Canadian two storey brick cottage and garden in Victorian style with ornate house features, front porch and side porch and twin chimneys.
Beautiful old large Victorian two storey house in San Francisco
Classic two storey Tudor style American suburban house with double internal garage, twin chimneys and feature timber panelling
Exterior of large grey two storied classic house, adjacent to a thicket of pine trees
Traditional styled American two storied timber house with twin garage doors, large driveway and front entrance porch.
Classic two storey brick house with shutter windows, single brick chimney and large manicured front lawn
Large American style classic double storey house with column porch, and shutter windows and an extension with dormer windows and a walkway
Classic two storied house style with garage entrance, driveway, porch and with columns and side railings.