A beautiful ornate luxury decoration of a compact apartment studio. Image via www.drawn2style.com
A lot of people that live in small apartments or tiny houses have the same problem and that is often how to maximize the use of the space to create a fantastic living space.
Tiny house with kitchenette view from second level mezzanine bedroom. Image via www.smallhousebliss.com
It’s not unusual for people to think ‘hey, it’s a small space, it should be easy to decorate’, but the reality is that a small apartment with limited space can provide a real decorating challenge.
Nevertheless, with some careful thinking, and a little bit of research, and casting your eye over how other people have adapted to the challenge can shed some much needed innovative concepts and ideas that should allow the imagination to begin to flow.
Stunning use of space with bedroom separation from kitchenette and living space. Image via www.deco-moderne-fr.com
Check out how other people are decorating their tiny spaces or compact apartments. You’ll find that this will give you many inspirational ideas on how to truly make the best use of the space, without feeling hemmed in, or overcrowded with stuff.
Compact modern apartment with effective use of space to create set areas of kitchenette, dining & living spaces. Image via www.furniturelives.com
Sure, there may be compromises in various areas when floor space is at an absolute premium. You may even need to downsize your stuff or put some of it in storage if your accommodation is temporary.
Check out some tiny houses and note how people have adapted their possession and lifestyle to fit. It’s amazing sometimes just what you can get by without, or alternatively what you little you actually need.
Kitchenette and living area and the view down the hallway to the master bedroom in a luxury tiny house.
When creating that fantastic living space for your apartment, your ultimate design will need to make efficient use of every last inch of space. There will be techniques and ideas on how to make use of hidden spaces.
However, the real issue is if you’re just renting the space and you have no actual design input into changing or adapting anything, then you’ll have to make do the best you can with the limitations of the space.
On the other hand, if you’re designing and creating a living space yourself from scratch, then you’ll be able to make full use of a lot of innovative and creative ideas that others have come up with to make the most of a small living space.
Small apartment with combined living-bedroom areas and shelf room divider. Image via www.homester.com.ua
Use hideaway or fold away techniques or furniture that compacts down when not in use.
Sometimes even selecting furniture that can ‘multi-task’, for example, a dining table that doubles as a kitchen workbench, or as a study desk and then folds down when not required.
Subfloor storage is another innovative idea, that enables you to store items (when not in use) under a sliding floor or lift-up trap-door floor.
Tiny apartment floor space showing bed end and combined living space. Image via www.roomsty.com
The photos in this featured gallery should inspire you with introductory ideas. Don’t limit your ideas, because it’s the creativity of the mind to adapt to the spaces we live in that will help you to comes up a style, layout, and functionality that will be uniquely yours.
Who knows? it may even surprise you how simple and easy you find it to live in a small apartment space or tiny house.
Cute well lit apartment space with living, kitchenette, and separate bedroom area. Image via www.room-ideas.com
One great resource that will provide plenty of ideas is how people make use of extremely small spaces in ‘tiny houses’. These situations often have more than one person living in a space of 200-400 sq feet, which presents a lot of challenges to getting the very best functional and comfortable design.
You’ll pick up many great ideas from researching example galleries of tiny house plans and designs.
Bedroom and Living space with curtain divider. Image via www.moidom-interior.blogspot.com
Small apartment with kitchenette, dining and living space and bike storage. Image via www.liveinternet.ru
Storing a bike in a small space, when you don’t have a garage or storage cupboard in a basement can offer a challenge.
The example above shows how adding a large scale hook to the ceiling can provide a convenient (and funky) means of storing a bike, where it’s not taking up valuable space, and is still readily accessible for when it’s needed
Tiny apartment space with mirror wall to make space seem bigger. Image via www.jpsinteractive.org
Another great idea we love that we’ve seen before is when there are stairs to an upper level, and some clever person has taken each stair tread and turned them into storage drawers that pull out.
Another great innovative idea of maximizing usage of space that would otherwise have been unused.
Compact two level apartment with maximum use of limited space. The spiral staircase takes up very little space and enables a mezzanine space to be used as a bedroom. Image via www.inthralld.com
Modern two level apartment with great use of limited space. Image via www.indulgy.com.
Modern two level apartment with great use of limited space. Image via www.rumahidealis.com
Small apartment living, kitchenette, and dining area. Image via www.frevinco.com
Who said you can’t be eclectic with your decor in a small apartment studio with lots of decorative items. In this example decorative wall art is critical for this apartment dweller to feel at home, so don’t feel you have to live a spartan existence, just because you’re living in a tiny or small space. Image via bulleblog.hautetfort.com
At the end of the day, it’s your home, and you can decorate any way you see fit.
Beautiful modern apartment studio room. Image via www.apoetadaalma.blogspot.com